Funeral planning
Creating a simple funeral plan is easier than you would think and it ensures that your loved ones are as stress-free as possible when grieving. The sound of planning your own funeral may seem daunting but it will take a large amount of weight off their shoulders when the time comes. In this blog, you will find 5 reasons as to why you should have a funeral plan, followed by what steps you’ll need to take to organise one.
Here are 5 reasons as to why you should have a simple funeral plan:
1. Even simple funerals aren’t cheap
In fact, funerals can be pricey if you don’t have anything put aside for it. This can lead to a financial burden on your family while they are grieving their loss. By creating a funeral plan, you can pay monthly instalments, ensuring that the costs for the funeral are covered and they are as stress-free as possible.
Most people assume that funeral costs will be covered by savings. However, most savings aren’t accessible until after the funeral has taken place. Having a pre-paid plan ensures stability. Make it as easy as possible for your loved ones in what will already be a difficult time.
The average cost for a simple funeral in 2018 is around £4,271. This can differ, depending on the type of service. Therefore, a funeral plan will ensure the costs are covered for your funeral. There are many cost considerations to factor within a funeral. You can read about them more here.
Explore your own ideas and have them written down.

2. You have free reign to express your wishes
By taking the time to plan a funeral, you have free reign to decide on every detail. This means you can decide if you want a simple funeral or one with your imaginative ideas showcased.
Simply telling a loved one your wishes may not result in them happening. It may prove too time consuming or they may forget little details. That is why pre-planning is the way forward. It ensures that your wishes are met to every single detail.
Details ranging from what you’d like to be buried in, the type of service and attire you’d like your guests to wear can be decided by you. In addition, you can be as outrageous and original as you’d like.
Take your funeral plans into your own hands.

3. Be independent
By planning your own funeral, you are independently picking out the features that you like. In addition, no one wants to financially burden their loved ones. By pre-planning your funeral and setting up a payment plan, you are removing financial burden from your loved ones. What will already be a very difficult time for them, won’t be added to by the stress of planning and funding your send off. By leaving a simple funeral plan, you are ensuring that your final act of independence is carried out.
Shop around for the best prices. You have the time to really research into your arrangements here. By pre-planning, even if you want a simple funeral, you can save money. Most relatives don’t shop around they tend to go for the first offer they find as they are emotional and just want the funeral to be as stress-free as possible. By planning and paying for it beforehand, money is saved and quality can be maintained.
Get a pen and paper and begin jotting down your wishes. Word of mouth might create confusion. Having your wishes set in stone in your own words will help sort your assets in an organised manner.

4. Inheritance security
By pre-planning a funeral, it allows you to shop around for the best options and prices. This allows for great quality funeral services at decent prices and by doing this, you will save money. This means there will be more inheritance to your loved ones. You can also include your will in your funeral plans so that you’re ensuring your assets are in order. If you have any special wishes, this is the time to state them. In writing, this will ensure that not one little detail is missed.
Ensure that every detail is the way that you particularly want it. Add a piece of you to your funeral.

5. It’s not just about the money
You can save your loved ones valuable time because they won’t have to spend time planning. Losing someone close to you is difficult enough so save them the trouble of arranging your funeral. When in a fragile state, you will find your loved ones will be more stressed. Your loved ones will be able to grieve and focus on celebrating your life because you’ll have already planned the funeral arrangements.
In addition, planning your funeral allows you to keep it special to you.
By meeting a funeral director beforehand, you are able to work with people that you respect. These people will have a huge part of the day. Therefore you should ensure that you have the right person for the job. You are able to meet several if you wish and decide which you feel would be the best at consoling your family and following your wishes.
Begin planning your funeral
Planning a funeral is a stressful time for all. If you are wanting to begin the first steps to planning yours, we can help. Take a look at some of our useful blogs on planning a funeral and begin your plans today. You can take a look at our blogs here.
Here at Respect Green Burials, we have a range of services available. You will find that our services vary from green burials, direct cremations express burials and cremations. You have a variety of options to choose from, depending on your wishes. In addition, you can explore our funeral plans online on our website. If you have any questions about our services, feel free to contact us. We can help you to create a funeral plan.
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